Quality Operations Connection is focused on giving enrollment quality and moderate schooling. Coronavirus has stopped our in-person gatherings, however, we are offering numerous incredible projects practically. In 2020, the affiliation has offered around 100 online courses on an assortment of medical care subjects.


Keeping in mind the Covid SOPs, our members can take complete advantage of over 100 valuable webinars online. Not just once in a month, but all year.

  • A limitless number of people can take an interest from any area. One enrollment gives limitless admittance to all representatives and trustees of your hospital or healthcare system.

  • Our endeavor for online webinars is because they are cost-efficient and easily-affordable to our members. It does not require travel expense and easily reachable to thorough professionals.

To avail of the services of our online webinars, participate in 3 opportune methods:

  • Live-Join our online courses at the booked opportunity to have the option to pose your inquiries of our moderators continuously. Stopover our Event Calendar to enroll for upcoming events.

  • Session recording – even if you think you won’t be able to make it on time, no problem! We provide our members with a facility to reach the online webinars and play in their ease. That too, with no hidden or additional charges.

  • 24/7 support is available to connect with your relevant webinar even if you forgot to register for it in the first place.

Quality Operations Connection is the one-stop healthcare administrative management. Our core aim is to provide education, advocacy, industrial training, certification, and networking to healthcare revenue cycle professionals.


Phone: 678-691-0828

Fax: 951-329-1546


3060 Mercer University Dr. Suite 110, Chamblee GA 30329